Halloween will soon be upon us, will you be dressing up or taking your children trick or treating?
The trick usually only being an idle threat to perform mischief on the homeowners or their homes but often eggs are thrown at houses that do not partake!
Dressing up at Halloween actually started in Scotland in the late 1800’s, and has now been an annual traditional in North America for over 60 years. In some parts of the world dressing up and trick or treating is celebrated at other times in the year – in Sweden children celebrate on Maundy Thursday, the day before Easter Friday, whereas in Finland children dress up on Palm Sunday.
Homeowners happy to participate in Halloween celebrations and trick or treating decorate their houses and front gardens to welcome children from the local towns and villages. In most areas of Germany, Austria and Switzerland children go from house to house carrying home-made paper lanterns with candles or lights inside singing songs in return for treats.
It’s easy to decorate your house, front porch or garden with orange and black Halloween lanterns available in a variety of sizes and shapes:
Why not take some inspiration from our images and add faces to orange lanterns to turn them into pumpkins, or even add black pipe cleaner legs to a green lantern to make a spooky spider.